
Google Desktop Gadget Contest

Google Desktop Gadget Contest: "Another API developer contest has launched: Google’s Desktop Gadget Contest. Here’s how they describe it:

Do you have what it takes to create a great Google Desktop Gadget? Have you been waiting for some motivation to prove it? Well, good news — the Google Desktop Gadget Contest is here to spur you into brilliant action.

The contest runs until July 31st, 2006 and, while supplies last, each developer who submits an approved gadget will receive a limited edition Google Desktop Developer T-shirt and have their gadget shown to millions of Google Desktop users around the world. A panel of judges will also award three prizes based on popularity, visual appeal, use of new features and creativity. We’ll award $5,000 to the first place winner, $2,000 for second place, and $1,000 for third place.

Now added to the /contests page."

BeeTagg - Interessanter Beitrag über eine neue Werbeidee aus der Schweiz

Mobile Tagging - Coole Sache! *

Schon mal daran gedacht Tags zu drucken, kleben, stempeln, sticken oder tätowieren? Nicht? Mit BeeTagg ist das jetzt kein Problem Ein Text auf einer Werbebotschaft von Freixenet – ihr wisst schon, der Champagner mit der prikelnden Werbung – hat mich einwenig verwirrt. Freixenet benutzt BeeTagg. Sie auch? – Mobile Tagging by BeeTaggMein erster Gedanke: Was hat ein Champagner mit Tagging zu tun? Mein zweiter: Wo gibt’s Infos darüber.Ich habe mich natürlich gleich auf die Suche gemacht nach BeeTagg und wurde auch sofort fündig. Auf der doch recht einfach gehaltenen Seite, was ich übrigens sehr begrüsse, fand ich dann auch alle nötigen Informationen über das sogenannte MobileTagging und die Idee hinter BeeTagg.   .......

superdeluxe weblog

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Example Note 1

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Beton - es kommt darauf an was man daraus macht

Vernissage: 29. Juni 2006:
Ausstellung im kunsthaus kaufbeuren vom 30. Juni bis 20. August 2006Seit zehn Jahren gibt es das kunsthaus kaufbeuren. Seit zehn Jahren zeigt das Haus vier Aus-stellungen im Jahr. Dieses Jahr ist ein besonders Jahr. Mit der Ausstellung „Innenschau – Außenschau“ schaut das kunsthaus kaufbeuren nicht zurück, sondern nach vorn. Dazu haben wir die fünf Kunstpreisträger unserer Stadt eingeladen, ihre Arbeiten im kunsthaus zu zeigen.

kunsthaus kaufbeuren - Presse Informationen

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Pointoo - ein neuer LBS - Mash up mit Google Maps

Presentation files

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Where 2.0 Conference 2006 - June 13-14, 2006 - San Jose, CA

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Eine Bewegung erobert das Netz

Geospatial Technology For The Everyday People

The Web has made people smart. It allows the everyday people to discover, publish, and share information. The Web is a profound technology not only because it allows the display of pretty pictures and the layout of well-formatted texts, but also because it’s a technology that everyone can use.

Like the Web technology, geospatial technology should also be developed for the everyday people. The key is to help everyday people, not just few groups of elite techno-geeks, to do more by doing less.

So, what’re those useful geospatial technologies? Many speakers at the Where 2.0 conference have talked about them.

Where 2.0

  1. Geotagging photos. The ubiquitous of camera phones and digital cameras have created a whole new world of information sharing. People take photos not only because they want to record memorable moments, but also because they want to show personal expression. Michael Sharon talked about why young people love camera phones — “We tell stories. We moblog. We create and tag moments in our lives that are important, significant. We capture silly pictures of ourselves.”
  2. Publishing geographical information on the Web for the machines to process. GeoRSS is one of the emerging languages for publishing geographical information on the Web. Based on GML’s Geometry language specification, GeoRSS can be used to describe locations as points, linestrings, and polgyons. Major players begin experimenting GeoRSS, and they include Yahoo!, Microsoft, and Google (see Mikel Maron’s presentation).
  3. Connecting friends and families in a digital geospatial world. The emergence of social networks on the Web is breeding a new kind of location-based application. Walt Doyle of uLocate talked about few applications of such kind: (1) “Buddy Finder” (MapQuest’s Find Me) enables users to find other GPS-phone users over multiple carriers, and (2) a photo camera tagging system that can automatically tag photos with location and time information.
  4. Create maps of your own kind. Map is a power UI interface. In the Web 2.0 world, the use of map UI is beyond direction lookup or path mapping. Wayfaring is a new kind of map software that gives the full control of the map creation to the end users. For example, users may create maps of their tripes to Pebble Beach Golf in 2004, or popular social spots in NYC (see Mike Tatum’s presentation).

The future of geospatial technology is exciting. As a user I’m excited about technologies that will make easy for me to express myself and be more connected with friends and families — e.g., take photos with camera phones, tag them, and share them with families and friends on a map, and do all that in less than a minute. As a technologist I’m excited about new geospatial technology that will not just sit in some research labs but will impact the lives of the everyday people.

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